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How Badly Do You Want The Job?

You may be prepared, but is it according to your potential employer’s standards?

Did you know? The unemployment rate in Malaysia as of 2020 by population is at 3.4%! 

How can this be especially with all the application ads on LinkedIn, WOBB, JobStreet and so forth?

Oftentimes, we see online posts of job seekers grousing about having a hard time finding a job these days. Some complain about most companies seeking those with a minimum of 2 years experience, some grumble about how companies are prioritising Mandarin speakers and some just join the bandwagon of complaining. 

While it may be true that companies are quite critical in hiring candidates, have you ever thought that your preparation (or none) may be the reason for unemployment?

Why you are not what they are looking for and how you can change that

As it happens, Malaysia is not the only nation where job seekers have a hard time. Some neighbouring countries that have high unemployment rates would be Myanmar (4.0%) Indonesia (5.6%), Philippines (5.7%) and Brunei at the lead (6.9%). So, why are the percentages so high?

Are jobseekers nowadays really unhirable even if they opt to apply for a job that is more than fitting for them? Why are employees not hiring you? Is it something as small as your gait or a spinach stuck between your teeth or something that is a bit too much like your bright red button down and too shiny, slicked back hair? 

It might be, but let’s focus on actual factors that may be why you might still be jobless.

1. Clueless about the company

Confidence is key but how can you be confident in an interview when you are clueless of the interviewer’s company? There is nothing more unappealing than a candidate who is noticeably unprepared and has no idea what they are talking about. If you can’t make heads or tails of what you are presenting during an interview, you cannot expect the interviewee to be interested. Not researching a company you are applying at is a big NO!

Image via Bruce Mars / Unsplash

2. An Etch-A-Sketch resume

We get it, you want creative skills to be highlighted first-hand in an interview so you pour out your artistic, creative skills onto your resume so it’s the first thing the interview sees. It’s so obvious, you might as well have shoved the resume into the interviewee’s face and say, “Hey, I’m creative!” But did you know, that is usually not the case? 

Although aesthetically pleasing resumes can be appealing, unless you are applying to be a graphic designer, it has to be practical. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a bit of creativity, but make sure it’s not eye-straining and keep it PRACTICAL. Oh, make sure to include a picture of yourself on the resume so your future employers know what you look like! Make sure you include strong examples and career highlights in your resume to attract your potential employer even more.

Image via Markus Winkler / Unsplash

3. A good email pitch

When you visit someone’s home, do you just enter without saying hello? Doesn’t that just show a lack of common courtesy? Well, the same goes for when you apply for a job. You don’t just email the company an attachment of your resume and cover letter and be done with. Darling, that’s not how it works.

Think of it this way: if you’re lazy to type a proper email body introducing yourself and which position you are applying for, you can bet that the employer is even lazier to check out your application! So really, it goes both ways. Fair, isn’t it?

So, what you can do is craft the email with a simple hello and introduce yourself. Don’t just barge into someone else’s home without a warning and expect them to treat you nicely. Got it? Okay!

So, before you go into any company for an interview, make sure you do an in-depth research of the company. Learn of their vision, mission, values and fundamentals and how it aligns with what you can put on the table, in addition to being a possible asset to the company. It shows that you are really interested in the company, and any employer would be losing out for not hiring you with all that spirit.

Image via FluentU

4. Be yourself, be authentic!

Has your back ever hurt so much after an interview? It must have been the way you were sitting so rigidly. Relax a bit, okay? Although being professional and respectful is good, you don’t have to try so hard to impress the interviewee with bombastic words and tense shoulders, being yourself is enough. What matters is how you present yourself as yourself, and not a stiff-formal-nervous-robot version of you.

Believe it or not, what matters to an employer are not your academic scores or over professionalism, but your authenticity and how you bring yourself as it can be the core value of your personal branding. 

Image via Forbes

The takeaway

At the end of the day, academic scores won’t matter so much as long as you are resourceful, professional and true to yourself. Find a job that aligns with your interests and values, only then can you give your best to the company.

Fortunately for jobseekers, Selangor Mega Job Fair will be back in Shah Alam Convention Centre soon from 3 to 4 October! So, suit up, update your resume and showcase your authenticity and best skills to the fullest with this given opportunity to get the job of your dreams! You can register for the event at Good luck and stay safe!

To know more about personal branding on how to excel in your career, you can follow our founder’s LinkedIn at

Cover image via Unsplash

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